DIGIDECK for Microsites & PURLs

DIGIDECK for Microsites & PURLs

In numerous industries, especially in sports, microsites and PURLs are often used in sales and marketing initiatives for personalized experiences that allow teams to track engagement. 

While microsites and PURLs prove effective for many types of campaigns and initiatives, there’s one persistent pain point in the process:

Creating microsites and PURLs has historically been a manual process that requires a lot of time, energy, and monotony. 

That’s why hundreds of brands across the world are turning to DIGIDECK. DIGIDECK helps automate the process of creating thousands of PURLs and as many microsites as you need in minutes.

With DIGIDECK, you don’t have to code a new microsite or hire a contractor every single time you need to share information. Similarly, PURLs are instantly created based on the intended recipient without any manual effort. 

How does DIGIDECK do it? Take a look below!

What Is a Microsite?

Microsites are just that: mini websites or web pages that are separate from a brand’s primary website. Main websites offer a universal view of an entire brand, company, or team, while microsites narrow down the focus and have the freedom to deviate from the main site’s format. Microsites are typically used to promote a specific product, event, campaign, or service— either permanently or temporarily. (Usually temporarily.)

In the sports industry, microsites are commonly used in Ticketing for:

  • Waiting lists
  • New premium clubs or memberships
  • Special member events
  • Limited edition apparel drops
  • Membership renewal
  • And more!

A microsite may be a single web page or a small group of web pages— either way, the intent, functionality, and layout of a microsite all point toward serving a specific goal and audience.

What Is a PURL?

PURL is an acronym for “personal URL.” A PURL is a unique web address typically created for a particular target of a sales or marketing campaign. Personalizing the URL allows for:

  • Precise activity tracking
  • Customized content for the intended viewer for deeper engagement

A PURL leads to a unique microsite or landing page that provides information about a particular campaign, service, product, or event. (For example, a PURL sent to a customer named John Doe may feature his name on the page and provide a unique discount code only for his use.) 

PURLs are used across dozens of industries, including sports. In sports, PURLs are often used in season ticket renewal campaigns, special offers and discounts, waiting list registrations for new stadium builds, and more.

DIGIDECK’s Solutions

You might be thinking, “isn’t DIGIDECK presentation software?” The answer is yes, but it’s presentation software with far more to offer than traditional tools like PowerPoint and Google Slides.

DIGIDECK presentations are non-linear, meaning you can navigate them like a website. In ticketing, this gives members and fans a way to engage with what they want— whether it be jumping ahead to view benefits or going back for additional references, they can navigate accordingly. And with unique sharing URLs, viewership analytics, CRM integrations, a centralized asset library, and automated rulesets, you can accomplish far more with less. 

Take a look at how DIGIDECK’s features and capabilities help automate the creation of microsites and PURLs.

Automated Microsites

Every unique DIGIDECK presentation is compiled from the Master Deck. The Master Deck is a central repository of every slide (or page) your brand could ever need for any given circumstance. So, when it’s time to build a microsite, you simply select your preferred slides or utilize automated rulesets to instantly build a specific microsite based on pre-selected categories.

When your team needs a microsite for a new campaign, you can simply select slides/pages you want from your Master Deck. Instead of paying to build a new microsite every time or depleting internal resources, just add slides to your Master Deck, select the slides you need, and swap out the copy, photos, and videos as necessary. Each DIGIDECK presentation comes with a unique URL and is navigable like a traditional website. 

With DIGIDECK, a new microsite can be built in minutes, not weeks. Plus, you can build as many microsites as you want— all from one central location and for no additional cost.

Automated PURLs

CRM integrations and form fill data are at the heart of DIGIDECK’s automated PURLs. 

When it’s time to create PURLs for any campaign, product launch, promo, or other initiative, your CRM automatically replaces pre-determined placeholder text with each customer’s name, account manager, and any other field you need for your particular campaign— all without leaving the contact profile in your CRM. 

As you update information in your CRM, it automatically updates in your DIGIDECK and vice versa. With these fully-functional CRM integrations, you receive custom presentations or microsites with personal URLs in seconds. You just sit back, relax, and watch your mass campaign deploy for you without the tedium of manually creating and sending PURLs.

Another way to accomplish automated PURLs with DIGIDECK is through form fills. Sync a form with your DIGIDECK, and the platform will automatically create and send a custom PURL presentation based on the lead’s inputs. 

  • The inputs trigger DIGIDECK to include specific slides that relate only to the formfiller’s preferences. 
  • Within minutes, a custom PURL presentation lands in your lead’s inbox.

The best part? The DIGIDECK backend allows you to track viewership analytics for each PURL— providing valuable insights on who opened the presentation, when, and how long they viewed each slide.

Create Thousands of PURLs & Microsites in Minutes With DIGIDECK

Imagine a world where you don’t have to hire a contractor or expend your dev team’s bandwidth whenever you need a new microsite or spend multiple hours each week manually creating PURLs when you have more important tasks that require your attention. 

With DIGIDECK, you can finally ditch your archaic, manual processes. Let DIGIDECK handle the automation while you focus on building relationships. 

Curious to learn more about DIGIDECK’s functionality with microsites and PURLS? Schedule a demo today to get started.

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